Thursday, April 7, 2016

Module 2, Week 3

I decided to take up Professor Noble’s suggestion of taking a 30-minute walk at some point over the weekend. During this walk, I tried to free my mind of thinking about any problems I am facing outside of school along with all of the school work that I still need to do to be successful in not just this class, but my other classes as well.
For this walk, I decided to walk to the local comic book store and buy the comics I was excited to read this week. In terms of “imaging the possibilities” a lot of this was centered around “What If?” scenarios in the comics I am reading. Specifically, these “What If?” scenarios were centered on characters/teams and the possible actions they could take after being presented with a “crossroads” kind of moment in their most recent issue.  I had my phone with and plugged my headphones in so I could listen to music as I took my walk, so, I spent a small portion of the 30-minute walk imaging I was a part of a famous band walking out on stage to play in front of a sold out stadium.
Upon returning home from my walk, I felt refreshed and more energized when I sat back down at my computer and when back to work. At the time, I was working on a group project for another course I am taking this semester. (For this class, my team members and I are doing a project centered on how we would train new elderly hires to work with the current staff who are younger.) Within 30 minutes, I was able to get a good portion of my work for the group project completed. That included putting together a budget of the various things we would need to implement the training program and how much it would cost. I was also able to find a couple of YouTube videos to help argue why integrating younger and older employees would be beneficial not just for the employees, but for the company.

This idea of using exercise, specifically going for a simple walk is something that I will try to incorporate into my weekly schedule not just for this semester but moving forward in life. I think going for a walk, then coming back to my work is a great way to clear my head and boost energy/productivity. 

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