this blog post I wanted to respond to an e-mail I got from Professor Noble in
response to my submissions for the Business Model Canvas, Startup Schedule and
“Plan of Attack”
final email. Your work is far better than you have ever done before. It’s the
first time I’ve seen you approach your potential.
me what happened please?”
what happened in terms of the quality of my work I think there has been an
improvement because I started to be more social and start more conversations
with people with the goal of building a connection that would be beneficial in
this course (looking for people to bring into my “team of experts” for the
podcast I will launch). An example of this is my conversations with the owners
of the local comic book store I go to. One day, after I picked out and paid for
the comics I wanted like usual, I noticed a poster one of the owners put up
advertising the most recent Avengers movie called “Age of Ultron” I asked one
of the store owners “Have you seen the most recent trailer for “Age of Ultron?”
while pointing at the poster. From there, we went on for a good hour talking
about all of the movies that make up the “Marvel Cinematic Universe”, the ones
we liked, disliked and which characters or story arcs we think would make for
good superhero movies.
I have brought up the podcast I will launch in my weekly conversations with the
owners and they are intrigued by the idea. They especially like that I want to
focus specifically on comics form their “independent rack” as well comics from
smaller publishers like Image, IDW and Valiant as it will highlight the
characters and creative teams that don’t get the same kind of publicity as DC
and Marvel comics. I’ve also tried to pitch the idea of co-branding my podcast
with their store “A Hero’s Legacy” to bring more customers to their store.
other main thing that I believed help improve my work is that back during the
brainstorming phase when I pitched the idea of a podcast, it allowed me to
incorporate what I love (reading and talking about comic books) into the course
work. As a result, I take more pride and consideration into the work I do for
this class more than I have for almost any other course I have taken during my
entire time at UConn.
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