Sunday, February 21, 2016

Module 1- Week 4 Blog Post

Module 1- Week 4 Blog Post

My choice of venture moving forward is a podcast. This podcast will be about comic books and serialized fantasy storytelling. The reason why I chose this venture is because of all the previous ideas I’ve mentioned throughout this module, the idea of a podcast was the least expensive to launch. My only real purchases would be a couple of headsets that I discussed in Creativity Assignment #4. I chose this venture and believe wholeheartedly that it can be done because it will allow my and co-host(s) and I to discuss something we love: fiction. Regardless of the format of the story: comics, oral storytelling, movies, TV etc. It’s something my friends and I crave and love discussing with each other and doing a podcast will allow for us to share our thoughts with other people and possibly open the door for greater discussions should the podcast gain listeners with time. With regards to the serialized fantasy storytelling aspect of the podcast, it serves two purposes. The first one is to fill the podcast with content, but to also help a friend or help someone else get his/her story telling abilities more attention and some constructive criticism on how to take his/her story telling abilities further (and to possibly feature those stories on the show to improve the quality of the content on the podcast)

The other ideas that I proposed, but ultimately rejected were; an art website with video tutorials to help beginner artists improve their skills or a website with video tutorials for people who want to learn to play an instrument. The reason as to why I rejected both of those ideas was due to time constraints. In the case of the art website, my two main contacts for doing this venture were my art teachers from high school. While they were open to the idea of joining me in doing this venture, we found it extremely difficult to set up a date and time to record the video tutorials. For myself, I’m trying to juggle school, work, hobbies etc. My art teachers are also trying to juggle those things along with raising their children. In the case of a website with video tutorials for people who want to learn to play an instrument, my main contacts for that are my younger brother and his band members. The issue of scheduling a time to record the tutorials was once again the main reason I rejected this idea. Our current situation right now is my brother lives up at the Storrs campus while I’m living at home and attending the regional campuses. Since neither one of us has our own car, it we found it extremely difficult to set aside time from both of our schedules to come together in person and put together a series of videos for this venture in a two month period.   

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