Sunday, February 28, 2016

Module 2 Week 1

Something that has come up in the last week that I would consider a pivot point in the development of my venture is with regards to the comic book discussion/comic recommendation part of my podcast venture. In earlier blog posts, my train of thought was discussing comics from all comic publishers: DC, Marvel, Image, IDW, Dark Horse etc. Specifically, which comics I read from each publisher and what I would recommend for others to read. I realize this could be a problem because there are many new comics released each week (usually Wednesday) and it could prove to be extremely difficult to achieve the goal of keeping the episodes between 30-60 minutes while trying to discuss new releases and recommendations from all of the mentioned publishers. In addition, other comic book podcasts that I listen to or have heard of: ‘The Weekly Pull” “Oh, Comics” “Comixology” “This Week in Marvel” typically centers their discussion about the “Big Two” which are DC and Marvel. This is due to the fact that both companies have film universes (DC is looking to get their film universe of and running with the upcoming “Batman VS Superman: Dawn of Justice”) in addition to their comic book universes which create a near unlimited number of discussion points for these podcasts. In order to make my podcast stand out from other comic book podcasts, I should try to focus more on the comics put out by smaller publishers: Image, IDW, and Dark Horse as examples.
Having this pivot can also help me fill in one of the blocks for my business model canvas: Customer Segments. I should go after the customer segment that is not a regular reader of DC and Marvel, but is a regular reader of Image, IDW, and Dark Horse for their stories which are typically written for more mature readers and have more relatable, “down to earth” characters as opposed to the “larger than life, over the top” characters seen in the DC and Marvel Comics.

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